Accueil / Extra / CRAI – the French Committee for International Agricultural Research

CRAI – the French Committee for International Agricultural Research

The French Committee for International Agricultural Research (CRAI, Commission de la Recherche Agricole Internationale) is a tool for the French policy on international agricultural research.

Since its creation in 1978, CRAI aims at defining a shared vision and program for the French actors in international agricultural research.

CRAI is a consultative body among the main French actors in the field of international agricultural research (Research Organizations and Ministries). Its missions are the following :

  • To define common positions on current issues relating to international agricultural research.
  • To contribute to the elaboration of the French strategy for agricultural research for development (ARD) and to coordinate French actions in this field.
  • To represent France at the CGIAR System Council and to interface with CGIAR, particularly since the installation of its headquarters in Montpellier (2011).
  • To represent France at the European coordination bodies for ARD : European Initiative on Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD) and European Forum on Agricultural Research for Development (EFARD).
  • To exchange and to disseminate information between French Research Institutes and Ministries.

The CRAI periodically gathers representatives of the three French Research Institutes involved in international agricultural research - CIRAD, INRAE, IRD -, Agropolis International, Agreenium, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the three ministries in charge of Agriculture, Foreign Affairs and Research.

A High-Level CRAI meets approximately once every two years, attended by the Research Institutes CEOs and the Ministries’ DGs. Its secretariat is provided by Agropolis International.

Version française
Bernard Hubert
Jean Albergel
Executive secretary
Isabelle Amsallem
Officer (Secretariat)
04 67 04 38 23

Operational team

Members in 2024

Hosting the One CGIAR System Council

Montpellier, March 8-9, 2022

At the joint invitation of France, Germany and the European Commission, CRAI, with the support of Agropolis International and Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, hosted the 15th meeting of the CGIAR System Council in Montpellier. As part of SC15, CRAI took part in the high-level event on agricultural research for development (March 7th) by the (…)

Agroecological transformation for sustainable food systems

Insight on French-CGIAR Research

CRAI and Agropolis International, on behalf of CIRAD, INRAE and IRD and in partnership with CGIAR, edited a special issue of the Les dossiers d’Agropolis international series (n°26, Sept 2021), with the support of the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Agriculture as well as the Occitanie Region. The theme of agroecology is one of the (…)