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The MISS-ABMS training workshop is delivered by experienced researchers, engineers and professors, most of them working in French universities (Toulouse and Montpellier) or research organisations (CIRAD, INRAE, IRD), within joint research units dealing with the sustainable management of natural resources.


Profile of main trainers

Mrs ABRAMI Géraldine Researcher, INRAE, UMR G-Eau, Montpellier, France I am a research engineer in a research unit about water management. In a team where we study and support the implementation of public policies on water management at various scales, I develop and support the development of models to foster communication and viewpoint exchanges among scientists and stakeholders. My background is in physics and engineering and I have been developing agent-based models with Cormas and then with Netlogo for more than 10 years. These last years I have been focusing on developing tools and methodologies to bring stakeholders into modeling and exploring their issues with haptic role-playing games. With my colleague Nils Ferrand, we have issued a kit called Wat-A-Game for making role-playing games about water management using mainly paper and pebbles. My research interest lies essentially on formalisms and tools to develop and explore models with stakeholders. I am also a member of the Companion Modeling network.
Mr BANGATE Julius Researcher, IRD, UMI UMMISCO, Bondy, France I am a computer scientist engaged in multidisciplinary research developing multi-agent models and simulations of complex systems. In particular, I specialise in the modelling and simulation of : (a) human behaviour, in the context of (i) pedestrian evacuations during seismic crisis, and (ii) household energy use ; and (b) multimodal transport and logistics. I also work on graph theoretic methods focused on the modelling, analysis and comparison of semantic networks/graphs applied to the governance structures of European ports. Currently a postdoctoral for the DynaMo Project. The research is on multi agent modelling of human behaviour related to energy use/consumption.
Mr BOMMEL Pierre Researcher, CIRAD, UMR SENS, Montpellier, France As modeller scientist at CIRAD, I contribute to promote the Companion Modelling approach. Through the development of CORMAS, I have been focusing on the development and the use of Agent-Based Modelling for the simulation of renewable resource management issues. I worked in Brazil for 10 years (University of Brasilia, then PUC-Rio University) and then in Central America for 5 years (University of Costa Rica and CATIE). I develop models related to environmental management, such as breeding adaptation to drought in the Uruguay or as breeding and deforestation in the Amazon. Nowadays, I am especially interested on collective design of ABM and interactive simulation for assisting role-playing games.
Mr BONTE Bruno Researcher INRAE, UMR G-Eau, Montpellier, France I am a researcher in Modeling and Simulation applied to Social and ecological systems. Since 2013 I am working especially on hydrological and social systems. My research project is to use simulation models as a media between actors and disciplines. Therefore my research topics are about model specification (Using Discrete Event System Specification), modeling paradigm (using ABM and CORMAS), and formalization of controlled systems properties (in the framework of viability theory), and model use (interacting with the Companion Modeling network).
Mr CHAPUIS Kévin Research Fellow, IRD, UMR Espace-Dev, Montpellier, France After a master graduation in social sciences & philosophy, I have done a PhD in computer science at University Pierre et Maris Curie (Paris 6) in 2016. My thesis was about job satisfaction and how agent based modeling can help to understand the impact of job organization on the satisfaction of workers. Until then, I have managed to work on the edges of social sciences and artificial intelligence through the prism of multi-agent paradigm. This led me to work with geographers at IDEES Rouen (France) on the domain of synthetic population — ANR project Gen*. I am currently working at UMMISCO Team / IRD Vietnam, getting involved in Gama platform development, Gen* integration to Gama, as well as the development of a city wide escape plan simulator in case of catastrophe — ANR project ESCAPE.
Mr GAUDOU Benoît Associate professor, University of Toulouse, UMR IRIT, Toulouse, France I am Associate Professor in Computer Science. After a PhD in Artificial Intelligence (in particular in modeling in logic of group attitudes), I specialized in agent-based modeling and simulation. I am particularly interested in the modeling and integration of complex agents in simulation and in particular of agents taken into account trust or emotions in their decision-making process and behavior. In addition, I work on models integrating mathematical and agent-based models. I am taking part to the development and documentation of the GAMA platform, in particular to tools allowing to link mathematical and agent-based models.
Mr LE PAGE Christophe Researcher, CIRAD, UMR SENS, Montpellier, France Active member of the companion-modelling network. With a background in fish population dynamics, I have progressively specialized in building agent-based models to simulate the interplay between ecological and social dynamics in ecosystems holding renewable resources used or managed by different categories of stakeholders. I am participating in the development of the CORMAS platform, with a special interest on spatial aspects and computer-assisted role-playing games.
Mrs MARESCOT Lucile Researcher, CIRAD, UMR CBGP, Montpellier, France My research activities focus on the study of animal populations in their natural environment and on the determination of climatic, anthropogenic, and eco-epidemiological factors that govern their dynamics and spatial distribution. I use statistical and mechanistic models, along with decision support tools to determine optimal control/conservation strategies for populations. I communicate on the environmental issues related to threats to biodiversity and human societies, through scientific publications, conferences, workshops, and teaching. Today, I am pursuing my career as a researcher at CIRAD in the ecology and control of locust populations.
Mr PIOU Cyril Researcher, CIRAD, UMR CBGP, Montpellier, France I am an ecologist who started working with agent-based models in 2003. I applied the approach to many different ecological systems (forests, crabs, fishes, insects…). Within the realm of ecological modelling, I participated in the promotion of pattern-oriented modelling and the use of standard protocols to describe agent-based models. Since 2010, I applies different modelling approaches to locust ecology and management among which agent-based models help to analyse the emergent group behaviours of locusts and to represent the anti-locust management systems.
Mr TAILLANDIER Patrick Researcher, INRAE, UMR MIAT, Toulouse, France I am a researcher at INRAE Toulouse, in the applied mathematics and computing research lab. I work on agent-based modeling of spatial complex systems and more particularly on the development of tools to support the definition of models. I am one of the main developers and trainers of the GAMA platform. I am currently working on different projects concerning urban growth, geo-historical events, car traffic, dengue fever spreading, building construction, land-use change…