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International Conference on "Multifunctionality of livestock grazing systems, a lever to envision its possible futures"

Friday 19th April 2024, Montpellier, Agropolis

Friday 19th April 2024, Montpellier, Agropolis


A one-day hybrid conference on : "Multifunctionality of livestock grazing systems, a lever to envision its possible futures"

Organised by : Action Network "Restoring Value to Grassland" of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock multi-stakeholder platform.

Content : Key notes ; Results of field work on international case-studies ; Debates ; Round tables

Participants : International experts ; scientists ; policy makers ; civil society ; private sector

Rationale : Livestock farming is strongly questioned in general on its contribution to sustainable food systems, including livestock grazing systems on more specific aspects. Mono-criteria assessments that focus on animal production, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon-sequestration capabilities, threats/preservation of biodiversity, etc. fuel a controversial view of the activity and do not help to think about a future by maintaining its own characteristics… Are there specific ways to chart the future of this activity beyond proposals to intensify productions that reduce its own capacity as a low-input activity ? Its links to land use, its social and environmental contributions, its typified productions, the cultural identities that these types of livestock system assert are regularly brandished to contribute to a more positive vision of the activity but sometimes by freezing it in a timeless and conservatory permanence more than prospective. A more objective and holistic assessment of the large multifunctionality of these livestock grazing systems might be one of the possible ways to draw their future. The Action Network “Restoring Value to Grassland” of the multi-stakeholder platform Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL) organize this conference to enrich debates about this approach.

This event takes place in sight of further French and International events linked to the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP 2026). It is organised with the support of :